Friday, November 20, 2009

Accept Crime.

Currently in Iran, three men are facing the death penalty for allegedly being homosexual. It's funny how our governments will immediately rush to the aid of hostages, victims of natural disasters and even criminals - but when 3 lives will be lost, simply for being 'different' there is something terribly terribly wrong. These men ought to be congratulated for having the courage to stand up for themselves and who they are, in a country that is so often rife with discrimination and injustice. So please, do some reasearch on this case if you can and remember to never, EVER be afraid to be yourself.

Recently I was listening to the new alexisonfire record "Old Crows / Young Cardinals" and one of the songs, "Accept Crime" really stuck with me. It resonates with the LGBTI communtiy on so many levels so I urge you to have a listen.

On a lighter note - I am now a contributer for the country's top website for LGBTI news -
I'm currently reviewing the new Michael Buble album 'Crazy Love' so expect it on the site soon!!

Lastly - what would a LesbotWorld post be without a mention of my good friends over at Snatch & Grab?? Their monthly Girlthing event is this Saturday the 21st at QBar, Oxford St Sydney.

There will be copies of 'Sainthood' by Tegan & Sara to give away and one of my best buds, Dansy 4 Your Name will be doing a Dj set. All that plus the usual cheap drinks, good looking girls and dancefloor antics.

So I'll see you there!

Until next time....

Gem / Lesbot World

- From my iPhone

Saturday, November 7, 2009

A shameless plug

Hey ladies! November is here and it's hectic!! Just a quick note to let you all know about the My Name 4 Your Name single launch at Hot Damn on Oxford St next Thursday Nov 12th. It'll be a party, so come have a beer and say hi!

Ruby Rose is touring as part of the Neon Essentials 2 release and Girlthing/Chicks with Picks is on again so check it all out!

Until next time...


- From my iPhone