Monday, October 26, 2009


Girls! October has almost ended and it has flown by!
I just got myself a nifty little app for my phone so hopefully updates can be a little more consistent now.

Firstly, thanks to ALL of you who gave me feedback on the 'coming out young' article I wrote, that is featured in this months LOTL magazine (the one with Peaches on the cover.)
It means a lot to me that people took the time to respond to my story - as I have had it a lot easier than some!
So again, thanks! I really hope that I'm able to contribute to LOTL, and indeed the local
Lesbian community again in the future.

Okay! I love being social so I hope I'll see some of you at GIRLTHING on November 21 at QBar on Oxford St Sydney!
My very very good friend (and MN4YN guitarist) Dana is Djing on the night and there'll be a shitload of fun on the night so please to come out and have a dance.

And finally, speaking of dance: our talented friend RUBY ROSE has mixed a bunch of wicked tracks on the new Neon Essentials CD. There will be a TOUR to accompany this release happening very soon, so hit up neon essentials on the web to see when Ruby and friends will be in town!!

That's it for now ladies, until next time!

Gem / Lesbotworld

- From my iPhone