Thursday, July 16, 2009

This week in Lesbot World

Hello Ladies! How have your weeks been?

This is just going to be a quick update about some things that I think are pretty cool, so enjoy!

So, if you feel like a weekly perve, and lets face it, who doesnt, tune in to Channel 10 every Thursday at 8.30pm for cop drama RUSH.. Boasting a cast including Jolene Anderson and Nicole Da Silva, its well worth a look...or 5!

The show is a really good Aussie drama too, so you really can't lose!
Also on the subject of Television, our lovely friend Ruby Rose will be in your loungeroom nightly on Channel 10 from 7pm, on 'The 7pm Project' so definitely check it out!
Next, our favourite weekly indie party Snatch & Grab is having a Canberra!! The tickets are selling really fast so head over to for all the details!
iPhone users, head to the app store and pick up your FREE P!NK APP! It has pretty much everything you could ever want, so pick it up if you haven't already.
Lastly, a shameless plug for my guys MY NAME 4 YOUR NAME. We'll be partying down at Spectrum, Sydney this Saturday, July 18th from 8pm. It's the last show before the band bunker down to record their second EP. Tickets are only $10, and its gonna be a BIG show, so make sure you come on down!
Thats it for now girls, if you're out on Saturday night come and see me at the MN4YN merch table and say hi!
Until next time,
Gem / Lesbot World.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Lesbians and the Media (Pt2)

Hello ladies!

Sorry about the lack of posting of late, my life has been uber hectic! Firstly, has anyone seen Transformers 2 yet? I hear that Megan Fox looks fairly....attractive in it. But, I'll have to find out for myself!

Okay, so in my last post I touched on lesbians in the media. Today, I want to look at the role of the 'celesbian' in the media and in society.
For those who are unaware, a 'celesbian' is basically a faux lesbian, ie. pretending to be a lesbian for attention. Another GREAT term I just heard is "Fauxmosexual"

The most recent and I guess publicised example of this I guess would be the (now ended) relationship between Sam Ronson and Lindsay Lohan. Maybe she's Bisexual, maybe she did it for attention, who knows? But can we really write off someones desire to explore their sexuality as an attention seeking grab for headlines? I think everyone has a right to explore their sexuality and who they are, regardless of whether they previously thought themselves to be straight or any other orientation.

Some 'celesbian' activity, such as the Britney/Madonna/Christina kiss was an obvious attempt to raise eyebrows and get people (mostly men) watching MTV and other awards shows. Displays of faux lesbianism like this set gay rights progress back, displaying homosexuals as slutty, trashy, and uncapable of controlling their behaviour - which, for the most part, is highly untrue.

We won't ever be able to stop the 'celesbian' train rolling on, but it will take a lot more smart, funny lesbians in the media to change peoples view of lesbians. So lesbians, stand up and be counted, because we deserve a shitload more credit than the celesbians are giving us!

That ends my little rant for today girls.
On a more fun note, those of you in Sydney should head to The Vintage at Darlinghurst to see the very lovely miss Ruby Rose spin a new setlist with Ritty and friends. All the info can be found here: so head along because it should be a brilliant night! Also, dont forget your weekly indie party at Snatch & Grab at Phoenix, Oxford St

Until next time!

Gem / Lesbot World.